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Death Valley. There are few places on earth that showcase the extreme nature of this national park. It is North America's driest and hottest spot, receiving an average of less than 3 inches of rain annually, and holds the record high of 134 F.

It's a desolate land of sand dunes, salt flats, sun-baked mountains, moving rocks, canyons and some amazing desert plants and animals.
Manly BeaconZabriskie PointDevils Golf CourseBadwater Salt PanMesquite Dunes DawnMesquite Dunes 1Mesquite Dunes Golden LightMesquite Dunes Dawn LightMesquite Dunes DetailArtist CanyonZabriskie Point ElephantZabriskie Point 1Zabriskie Point 2Zabriskie Point PhotographersMustard HillsGolden CanyonDevils Golf Course PanoBadwater Salt Pan Panorama 1Badwater Salt Pan Panorama 2Badwater Salt Pan 2